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Setting up the Keyring

This document describes how to configure and use the keyring and its various backends. For this guide, The gitopia Binary is required which you can install from here.

The keyring stores the private/public keypairs required to interact with a node. For example, before running the blockchain node, a validator key must be created so that blocks can be properly signed. The private key can be stored in different locations, called "backends", such as a file or the operating system's own key storage.

Like every Cosmos-based network, Gitopia nodes store secret keys in a keyring. The keyring can be configured with one of several backend implementations.

Available backends for the keyring

The OS backend

The os backend relies on operating system-specific defaults to handle key storage securely. Typically, an operating system's credential sub-system handles password prompts, private keys storage, and user sessions according to the user's password policies. Here is a list of the most popular operating systems and their respective passwords manager:

GNU/Linux distributions that use GNOME as default desktop environment typically come with Seahorse. Users of KDE based distributions are commonly provided with KDE Wallet Manager. Whilst the former is in fact a libsecret convenient frontend, the latter is a kwallet client.

os is the default option since operating system's default credentials managers are designed to meet user's most common needs and provide them with a comfortable experience without compromising on security.


gitopiad keys add file-key-name --keyring-backend os  

- address: gitopia1pw52vhsx7lfaq3pdza86q2u6z49m65nzwdhf6e
name: file-key-name
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AgpZ3w81G8xKGoqB0ca32ECn6JPjBZkCzOtL4gHt5Hnv"}'
type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

arrow cigar staff rhythm merit drama actress pulp cradle mind clump melt hair install...

The file backend

The file backend stores the keyring encrypted within the app's configuration directory. This keyring will request a password each time it is accessed, which may occur multiple times in a single command resulting in repeated password prompts.


gitopiad keys add file-key-name --keyring-backend file 

Enter keyring passphrase:
Re-enter keyring passphrase:

- address: gitopia1a23yemhm2fuq0qlwf30ksd45pajgpwdv8dlrss
name: file-key-name
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AyXTVSq3rTm3Egl6/YPFKsr7uP07MZptx9P9MsZDI7qg"}'
type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

vital giggle welcome kind alley inmate camera kingdom glide begin sunset bag ...

The pass backend

The pass backend uses the pass utility to manage on-disk encryption of key's sensitive data and metadata. Keys are stored inside gpg encrypted files within app-specific directories. pass is available for the most popular UNIX operating systems as well as GNU/Linux distributions. Please refer to its manual page for information on how to download and install it.


pass uses GnuPG for encryption. gpg automatically invokes the gpg-agent daemon upon execution, which handles the caching of GnuPG credentials. Please refer to gpg-agent man page for more information on how to configure cache parameters such as credentials TTL and passphrase expiration.

The password store must be set up prior to first use:

pass init <GPG_KEY_ID>

Replace <GPG_KEY_ID> with your GPG key ID. You can use your personal GPG key or an alternative one you may want to use specifically to encrypt the password store.

The kwallet backend

The kwallet backend uses KDE Wallet Manager, which comes installed by default on the GNU/Linux distributions that ships KDE as default desktop environment. Please refer to KWallet Handbook for more information.

The test backend


Provided for testing purposes only. The test backend is not recommended for use in production environments

The test backend is a password-less variation of the file backend. Keys are stored unencrypted on disk.


gitopiad keys add file-key-name --keyring-backend test   

- address: gitopia1gck2p3z403m9df65ddg7agjxyeuh0xdxg7n53c
name: file-key-name
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AkCK8Muz/xxsjYdS6FOdh7KSZ4lHwCXdLvgf+Tq8GMQ8"}'
type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

increase bar track foil butter dolphin inside guard wave social subway net mind salt suit...

The memory backend


Provided for testing purposes only. The memory backend is not recommended for use in production environments. Use at your own risk!

The memory backend stores keys in memory. The keys are immediately deleted after the program has exited.


gitopiad keys add file-key-name --keyring-backend memory

- address: gitopia16jzvh6yss8us85l4zqd66xc42duu8l4y4fcs98
name: file-key-name
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AsH2NtCT1HvSBB1KIT/LnppA1PoQaQD/zNERhXmRKaZ9"}'
type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

veteran this blur advice raw burden sing depart breeze globe smoke hybrid quality check ahead...


The recommended backends for headless environments are file and pass.

Basic Key Management

Create a new key

gitopiad keys add <wallet_name>

You can create a new key with the name gitopia-key as in the following example:

gitopiad keys add gitopia-key

- address: gitopia1mdlj63583hflhl72ea93n9le2n8mqtskt93t4p
name: gitopia-key
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A/JD4In8ZoOYtTmD3DGSia8oPGueDsS9+HQm/IIpiE+Y"}'
type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

ink often atom stop squirrel step forum sight age main south hold permit grunt tooth wonder soup ...

It is important that you keep the mnemonic for address secure, as there is no way to recover it. You would not be able to recover and access the funds in the wallet if you forget the mnemonic phrase.

Restore existing key by seed phrase

gitopiad keys add <YOUR-KEY-NAME> --recover

You can create a new key with the name gitopia-key as in the following example


gitopiad keys add gitopia-key --recover

List your keys

gitopiad keys list

Multiple keys can be created when needed. You can list all keys saved.

gitopiad keys list

- address: gitopia10vazc96z8g032gqaaaeangd7zsydm5luzaayxt
name: gitopia-key
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A+I4HCUY/TJ/x/I7h2Ju64/cYfT/8ZeTRcyvDiCQo6qj"}'
type: local
- address: gitopia1qg7u0mvamw6k6pk9mn9ncxrwnpjdlgt7plapvq
name: test-key
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"AxfC40EsEdUPeweFgVV9VL8lp0wwK+t46/4NE7lbv9tj"}'
type: ledger

Retrieve key information

gitopiad keys show <YOUR-KEY-NAME>

You can retrieve key information by its name:


Retrieve key information - Account Address and its public key

gitopiad keys show gitopia-key --bech acc

- address: gitopia1mdlj63583hflhl72ea93n9le2n8mqtskt93t4p
name: gitopia-key
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A/JD4In8ZoOYtTmD3DGSia8oPGueDsS9+HQm/IIpiE+Y"}'
type: local

Retrieve key information - Validator Address and its public key

gitopiad keys show gitopia-key --bech val

- address: gitopiavaloper1mdlj63583hflhl72ea93n9le2n8mqtskrl4m46
name: gitopia-key
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A/JD4In8ZoOYtTmD3DGSia8oPGueDsS9+HQm/IIpiE+Y"}'
type: local

Retrieve key information - Consensus nodes Address and its public key

gitopiad keys show gitopia-key --bech acc

- address: gitopia1mdlj63583hflhl72ea93n9le2n8mqtskt93t4p
name: gitopia-key
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"A/JD4In8ZoOYtTmD3DGSia8oPGueDsS9+HQm/IIpiE+Y"}'
type: local

Delete a key

gitopiad keys delete <key_name>

You can delete a key in your storage path by its name.


Make sure you have backed up the key mnemonic before removing any of your keys, as there will be no way to recover your key without the mnemonic.

gitopiad keys delete gitopia-key

Key reference will be deleted. Continue? [y/N]: y
Key deleted forever (uh oh!)